Company News

Aug 30, 2019

Deafness in the Oil and Gas Industry.

WE Solicitors have successfully represented a number of clients recently who worked in the oil and gas industry.  The clients contacted us as they were suffering with what they described as poor hearing and whistling or buzzing in the ears which would come and go (this is known as tinnitus). For some time they had believed their symptoms were due to normal wear and tear and their age.  However having attended their GP’s and often being referred to the local hospital they were diagnosed with noise induced hearing loss.

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Aug 1, 2019

Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Councils

WE solicitors have represented a large number of former council employees throughout England and Wales who have been successful in pursuing compensation claims against their former employers for noise induced hearing loss caused through unprotected noise exposure.

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Mar 17, 2016

Noise Induced Hearing Loss Claim Settles out of Court for £6,000.

Mr Brian Fordyce was exposed to excessive levels of noise, whilst working in the asbestos cutting industry for a period of over 10 years. Mr Brian Fordyce worked for Passmore Finishes. He was employed as a Maintenance Engineer and exposed to excessive noise from spindle cutters, diamond grinders, drilling, grinders etc for the duration of his shifts.

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