
Aug 12, 2019

A New Chapter for Noise Induced Hearing Loss.

Noise induced hearing loss has always been associated with people who have worked in heavy industry such as shipbuilding, the metal and steel industry and manufacturing.  Over the last 10 years there has been a resurgence in the number of claims against employers for exposing their employees or former employees to harmful levels of noise whilst at work.  It is widely accepted that after 1961, in most industries, employers should have taken steps to protect their workforce from exposure to noise by providing hearing protection.

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Aug 1, 2019

Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Councils

WE solicitors have represented a large number of former council employees throughout England and Wales who have been successful in pursuing compensation claims against their former employers for noise induced hearing loss caused through unprotected noise exposure.

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Apr 26, 2018

Former Pipe Fitter, Peter Smith, Wins Settlement of £3,000.

Mr Peter Smith was exposed to excessive levels of noise, whilst working for Rosser & Russell Maintenance Limited for a period of over 29 years. He was employed as a Pipe Fitter installing pipework in commercial buildings at various sites around London. He was exposed to the noise from pipe treading machines, thredding machines, chop saws, hand grinders, STS drills, Arc welders etc, for the duration of her shifts/long periods of the day.

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