Latest News

Aug 15, 2024

Hearing loss. When to seek legal help.


This week a number of news outlets have been talking about hearing issues and in particular noise induced hearing loss.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain Dr Amir Khan spoke about the symptoms of Tinnitus and when to seek help. Dr Khan said: “It is usually a whooshing or whistling sound coming from inside your ear and is generally caused by damage to parts of the ear.”

The sounds experienced when suffering from Tinnitus can vary from ringing and buzzing to hissing or whistling, and they can be constant or come and go. While tinnitus is a common issue, especially among older adults, understanding what causes it can be key to managing the condition.

Working in a noisy environment, such as construction sites, factories, or any workplace where high levels of noise are common, can significantly increase the risk of developing tinnitus. Prolonged exposure to loud noises, particularly without adequate hearing protection, can lead to both temporary and permanent hearing damage, including tinnitus. Workers in such environments are often at risk because:

They may be exposed to noise levels above the safe threshold of 85 decibels for extended periods.

They might not have been provided with or properly instructed on using hearing protection.

Employers may fail to implement effective noise control measures or conduct regular hearing tests.

If you need to speak to a legal expert in noise induced hearing loss, get in touch with us.

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